Yellow Jade: The Gemstone of Prosperity, Harmony, and Wisdom

Yellow Jade meaning

My first encounter with Yellow Jade was during a 2002 expedition to Hpakant, Myanmar. Despite the army’s control over the jade mine, I found the gemstone in a waste site filled with freelance miners. It was an unforgettable experience. I still have that Yellow Jade with me.

Its radiant character inspires me and gives me confidence. It carries the warmth of the Sun in its core that gives me zeal and enthusiasm.

It is a stone of Prosperity, Wisdom, and Harmony.

Many ancient cultures believe that Yellow Jade can heal those who have wounded heart. It helps to overcome pain that one may get in ones childhood.

In this article, I will uncover the secrets of Yellow Jade and tell you how it can bring you success, money, and fame. I will also help you understand how you can benefit from the stone. I will also guide you on how to use the stone.

So, without further ado, let’s start.


Yellow jade, often called ‘Lemon jade’ can be found in pastel yellows to deep golden colors. Its beauty can envy even a Citrine.

Yellow Jade is a rare variety of Nephrite. Its crystal lattice contains traces of Tantalum ions, which gives it its yellow color.

MeaningOptimism, Enthusiasm, Intellect
BenefitsConfidence, courage, emotional stability, abundance, prosperity.
MinedMyanmar, Japan, Guatemala, and China
Other NamesLemon Jade
ColorsShades of yellow, from lemon to dark gold
PlanetsAligned with the Sun
ChakrasHarmonizes the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras
Zodiac SignsLeo, Virgo, Gemini
Elements of NatureEarth and Fire
Gods and GoddessesInvokes the energy of the Sun gods
VibrationResonates with the number 3
Feng ShuiPlace it in the southeast (wealth and abundance) or southwest (relationships and love) corners of your home.

Yellow Jade Meaning

Yellow Jade will provide you hope at times of despair. It’s energy uplifts your mood.

It infuses you with optimism and enthusiasm.

There are times when you may feel that there is no path forward and all doors are closed for you. At that time, Yellow Jade could be your guiding light. It illuminates your surroundings and opens up new paths.

It uplifts your spirit. It whispers, ‘You are capable, and joy awaits.’

Healing Properties and Benefits


Self Confidence and Courage

Yellow Jade helps you embrace your uniqueness. It gives you the courage to face challenges. It is your inner cheerleader. You say goodbye to self-doubt.

Abundance and Prosperity

Carry yellow Jade to attract good fortune and prosperity.

If you are struggling to attract clients for your business or if your sales are going down every quarter, you should keep a Yellow Jade in your working area.

Its energy will give you the wisdom to see where things have gone wrong, and you will fix that. Soon, you will find clients pouring in large quantities.

Emotional Stability

If you tend to make frequent mistakes and can’t keep your cool when things go wrong, then you should consider using Yellow Jade.

The stone helps you process your thoughts and thus clearly shows you what you should do and what you should not do.

It controls your emotions, encourages proper action, and helps you overcome any crisis.

Connection to All Living Being

Yellow Jade bridges the gap between souls. As we struggle through our daily lives, we tend to forget our friends. We forget our good times in search of better times. We even leave alone our dearest ones.

But when we wear this stone as a pendant or necklace, it connects us to our past. It brings back our fond memories. It urges us to make connections with all those whom we have long forgotten.

Protective Energy and Longevity

Yellow Jade represents the energy of the Sun. So, it helps to take away all negativity.

If you feel that you are under any psychic attack, or if you feel someone might try to hurt you, or if you know someone is extremely jealous of you, then consider using Yellow Jade.

It will act like a guardian angel and protect you from all evil intentions.

Embrace its vibration, and you will be able to prevent ailments. This will help you live a long, healthy life.

Metaphysical Properties

Yellow Jade is a stone of wisdom. It radiates an energy that encourages self-reflection.

It provides inner peace. Its vibration helps you connect to your higher self.

This gemstone can actually open the door of spirituality for you.

beads of yelloe jade

Zodiac Birthstones

  • Leos can be prideful and domineering. So many prefer to avoid a Leo. As a result, Leos can be alone and lonely. If that’s the case with you, use Yellow Jade.
  • The stone can help Leo to be humble. It can also make them more inclusive. It brings out the true leader in a Leo.
  • From arrogance and pride, Leo becomes down to earth and extremely popular.
  • Virgos can be overcritical. They also are a perfectionist. So, they take too much time to do a work. This result in failing of deadlines.
  • Using Yellow Jade can make a Virgo more productive. They understand that too much time on perfection may not be worthy.
  • They also become less critical of themselves and others.
  • Using Yellow Jade, a Virgo can lead less stressful and happy life.
  • Gemini are usually restless. They are also indecisive and do not stick to their decisions. This trait may hamper a Gemini in achieving their goal.
  • Using Yellow Jade will help them to focus on their work. They also become confident and do not doubt their choices.

Chakra Healing

Yellow Jade helps balance and unblock your sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra.

sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra
  • When your sacral chakra is blocked, you may feel emotional numbness. You may find yourself to be uninterested in pleasure and sexuality. You may find yourself to be detached from everything.
  • The use of Yellow Jade will take away your anxiety.
  • You will know that most fears are created in our brains. You will have no inhibitions and be able to communicate effortlessly.
  • You will also love to go out with people. Soon your interest in sexual pleasures will be back.
  • When your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, you may have constant irritation with everything. You may show mistrust to everyone. You may have a lack of direction and motivation in your life.
  • Start using Yellow Jade, and your Solar Plexus Chakra will be unblocked and balanced.
  • It will increase your willpower. You will become self-disciplined and have courage to fight in any situation.
  • You will have clarity about what you want to do, when you want to do it, and how you want to do it.


Yellow Jade is associated with the Sun. So, it helps individuals to shine in their endeavors. It helps overcome doubts. It also helps you to choose the right path and not take the easy path.

Numerical Vibration

Yellow Jade resonates with the number 3. So, its vibration results in creativity, communication, and growth. It also encourages expansion in one’s spiritual life.

Spiritual Properties of Yellow Jade

Yellow Jade aligns with numbers and unlock subconsciousness through dreams. This gemstone amplifies psychic abilities and serves as a conduit between the physical and ethereal realms.

Angel Numbers

Seeing Angel number 1111 is a divine message to awaken your highest self. It helps you to achieve your maximum potential. You would be able to do things you never believed you could.

Yellow Jade amplifies the divine message and encourages you to accept changes that is going to transform your life.

Encountering 333 signifies support from your angels.

Yellow Jade’s connection to number 3 enhances your divine support.

You will find that all your problems go away and you will set on path to success.

Dream Interpretation

If you see a dream of soaring through the skies, then it is an indication that you want to break free of your limitations.

Use Yellow Jade to compliment this dream.

It would help you liberate yourself from self-imposed constraints.

Yellow Jade opens your third eye, increasing your sixth sense. You will be able to connect to spirits and even foretell the future.

Some healers believe that it also helps you to connect with the afterlife.

Some of my clients experienced telepathy while using the stone. I’ve yet to experience anything of this sort, but I feel safe and protected when I use the stone.

Side Effects

Yellow Jade is safe to use.

But crystals always amplify energy. So, if you feel negative or exhausted from using Yellow Jade, then consult a crystal healer. They may guide you on the best way to use the stone.

Remember that your stone works only when you feel a positive connection with it.

Using Yellow Jade

You can use Yellow Jade as a powerful ally in meditation and manifestation. It enhances the energy of a crystal grid and brings balance to your home through Feng Shui.


During meditation, sit in ‘Padmasana‘ and hold the crystal on your Solar Plexus chakra.

It helps you connect with your inner self, and you find wisdom and clarity in your thoughts.

It’s just like a warm yellow light spreading throughout your body. It will calm your mind and open your heart to new possibilities.


For manifestation, write your intentions on a piece of yellow paper and place it under a Yellow Jade. Visualize your goal already achieved.

The stone will magnify your intention and attract the desired outcome.

Crystal Grid

Yellow Jade is used in crystal grids to attract wealth and power.

Pair it with Citrine for wealth and Tiger’s Eye for courage. I also recommend using the stone with clear quartz. This amplifies energy of the crystal grid.

Feng Shui

To attract abundance, you should put a pair of Yellow Jade tower in the southeast corner of your home or office.

You may get indications of financial prosperity in the coming months.

It would be best if you put another pair of stones in the southwest corner of the room. This will result in harmony and balance in your environment.


Placing Yellow Jade in a particular corner, according to Feng Shui, not only attracts prosperity but also infuses the space with Yellow Jade’s uplifting vibrations.


Put a Yellow Jade near your workstation or computer.

Its positive vibration enhances your productivity.

It brings success and promotes understanding between colleagues.


Yellow Jade is commonly fashioned into beads for bracelets and necklaces.

It looks stunning when worn as a pendant.

You can buy the stone from online marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon, eBay, etc.

However, I recommend buying from a local crystal shop. It is because you can touch the stone and feel its energy before buying it.

History and Lore

In ancient times, Yellow Jade was in great demand in China. It represented nobility and people believed that the stone brought good fortune. So, a good amount of the stone was imported from the mines of Myanmar.

During the Neolithic period, this stone was used as an ornamental tool.

In Buddhist traditions, it is a symbol of wisdom and power. In various other cultures, it is used as a talisman against misfortune.

Types of Yellow Jade:

  1. Lemon Yellow Jade: Known for its bright, citrus hue, this type is believed to enhance mental clarity and focus.
  2. Honey Yellow Jade: With its warm, honey-like color, it’s said to promote emotional warmth and well-being.
  3. Golden Yellow Jade: A deeper, golden hue associated with abundance and attracting wealth.
  4. Mottled Yellow Jade: Features a mix of yellow shades, thought to encourage adaptability and creativity.

Pairing With Other Crystals:

  1. Citrine: Amplifies Yellow Jade’s wealth-attracting properties.
  2. Amethyst: Enhances spiritual awareness, complementing Yellow Jade’s introspective qualities.
  3. Rose Quartz: Encourages love and emotional healing, creating a balanced synergy with Yellow Jade’s nurturing energy.


Yellow Jade is more than just a beautiful gemstone. It is believed to enhance self-confidence, attract abundance, stabilize emotions, and foster connections with all living beings.

It provides a bridge to your past and helps you connect with your lost friends.

It also serves as a protective shield. It blocks all negative energy.

Yellow Jade is associated with the Sun and resonates with the number 3.

The stone is beneficial to all zodiac signs and helps Leo, Virgo, or Gemini overcome their negative traits.

It also unblocks your Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra.

Thus, consider using Yellow Jade if you want abundance, prosperity, and happiness.

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