Zebra Jasper: Benefits, Healing Properties and Uses


In the year 2000, I went to a defunct jasper mine in Vera Cruz, New Mexico, in an effort to find something intriguing. There, for the first time, I saw Zebra Jasper in person, and I was enamored with its distinctive patterns. A member of the Lenape tribe gave me this stone and shared tales about its healing powers.

In this article, I will walk you through the spiritual, metaphysical, and healing properties of Zebra Jasper. I will also give you a guide on how to use it properly. You will know how to use it in your meditation and manifestation. You will also know which zodiac signs are best suited to use zebra jasper and which chakras are aligned with it.

Let us first start with an overview of zebra jasper.


MeaningPositivity, Emotional Healing, Focus
MinedUnited States, Russia, Africa, Australia and India
Other NamesZebra rock, Zebra marbel, or Zebra agate
BenefitsRelieve Stress, Overcome Procastination, Accept Transformation
ColorsBlack and White stripes. Sometimes the black may be brown and may or may not have brown or pink hue.
ChakrasRoot Chakra, Crown Chakra
Zodiac SignsGemini, Libra, Virgo
Elements of NatureEarth
VibrationResonates with number 11
ToxicityNot Toxic

What does Zebra Jasper Meaning?

Zebra Jasper is a type of Chalcedony with alternate bands of black and white, sometimes with red or beige tones. Its pattern resembles that of a zebra, hence the name.

Zebra Jasper is all about balance and positivity. It also helps with grounding and relieving stress. This stone has the power to lift your mood. The stone also promotes creativity and helps you develop the eye of an artist.

Healing Properties and Benefits of Using Zebra Jasper


Emotional Healing

  • If you have a childhood trauma or past emotional wounds that are holding you back, Zebra Jasper can help you heal and move forward. It promotes feelings of contentment and peace.
  • With this stone, it is easier to let go of bad feelings and welcome good ones. Additionally, it can enhance your communication skills and help you express yourself more effectively in relationships.


  • Zebra Jasper helps you focus on the important things in your routine, prioritize your work, and manage your time.
  • There are always distractions while you pursue your goal. This stone shields you from those and makes you stay on your path.


  • Zebra Jasper also promotes feelings of optimism. It helps to combat feelings of negativity or self-doubt.
  • By using this stone, you can enhance your ability to take decisive action towards achieving your goals.

Overcoming Procrastination

  • This stone works very well for those who tend to do things at the last moment. It encourages you to break the cycle of procrastination and take proactive steps toward your goals.
  • There may be inhibitions that lead you to delay or postpone your work. The stone helps you identify these inhibitions and address them, allowing you to move forward with confidence and determination.


  • The only constant thing in nature is change. But coping with change, though necessary, can become a challenge.
  • This stone helps you gain the insight that change is inevitable and growth often requires stepping into the unknown. It helps you embrace the process and trust in your ability. You gain the confidence to adapt and thrive in new circumstances.
  • When you use the stone, you start to think outside the box and come out of your comfort zone in order to embrace transformation.

Zebra Jasper Metaphysical Properties.

This stone helps you the most if you are a Gemini, Libra, or Virgo. It also can balance your Root Chakra and Crown Chakra. It’s associated with the planet Mars and resonates with the number 11.

Zodiac Birthstones



  • A Gemini can be indecisive and inconsistent. However, with the help of Zebra Jasper, they can achieve balance and stability.
  • It encourages Geminis to focus on their logic and analytics and take decisions based on it. In This way they overcome their indecisiveness. The stone also help to focus and become consistent.


  • Libras sometimes pity themselves too much and tend to become overly dependent on others for validation. Zebra Jasper can help Libras find their inner strength and confidence.
  • It also encourage them to stand up for themselves when necessary. With the support of Zebra Jasper, Libras can cultivate a stronger sense of self and become self-reliant.


  • Virgos can be judgmental and may have a pessimistic outlook. But Zebra Jasper can help them see the positive aspects of situations and people.
  • It encourages Virgos to be more open-minded and compassionate toward others. With the support of Zebra Jasper, Virgos can cultivate a more optimistic and accepting attitude.

Chakra Healing

Chakras are the energy centers of our body. When chakras are blocked or unbalanced, energy does not flow freely, which can lead to certain physical ailments and emotional imbalances.


Zebra Jasper helps unblock and align your Root Chakra and Crown Chakra.

Root Chakra

  • You may feel insecure, anxious, and disconnected from the world around you, when your Root Chakra is blocked.
  • Zebra Jasper can help ground and stabilize your energy, allowing you to feel more secure and rooted in your reality.

Crown Chakra

  • You might experience a lack of purpose if your Crown Chakra is blocked. You may also feel isolated and need help with focusing on important things.
  • Zebra Jasper can help open and balance your Crown Chakra. You gain more clarity and a sense of purpose from the stone. You may also find it easier to concentrate on what truly matters and feel more connected to the world around you.


Zebra Jasper is associated with the planet Mars. So, upon using it, you may feel a surge of energy. It may motivate you to take action in your life. It can help you feel more empowered and confident in pursuing your goals.


Zebra Jasper resonates with the vibration of the number 11. In numerology, 11 is considered the master number. So, upon using the stone, you will feel that it has opened up a cosmic door for you. It can lead to a greater sense of spiritual awakening.

Spiritual Properties of Zebra Jasper

Zebra Jasper can help you decipher the meaning of certain angel numbers. It also helps you interpret your dreams. Some crystal healers also believe that it can help you with psychic reading.

Angel Numbers

When angel number 1121 appears to you, it’s a sign that you’re making progress towards your dreams and your life’s mission. You should start using Zebra Jasper immediately.

It will help you to understand the messages that the universe is sending to you. The stone gives you confidence that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are revelations of our subconscious thoughts. So, if we can understand them, they will help know our innermost desires and fears.

By using Zebra Jasper, you can enhance your ability to interpret your dreams and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Extrasensory Perception

  • Some healers claim that using zebra jasper can enhance psychic abilities. They say, it helps you with precognition and retrocognition.
  • Some other healers say you can also connect to the spirit world and get into a world of different dimensions.
  • As of my experience, I have used it as a talisman to ward off negative energy, and it worked very well.

Side Effects of Zebra Jasper

This stone does not have any side effects.

But I always suggest that you try to make a connection with the stone. If you fail to do so, then it’s better to leave that stone to itself and choose any other gemstone.

Always remember that experiences with crystals are individual and can vary from person to person.

Uses of Zebra Jasper

brown zebra jasper

Certain uses of Zebra Jasper make it so unique.


When you involve this stone in your meditation, it may help you with insomnia. It can also help you manage stress and relax your mind.

Lie down in ‘Matsayana‘ pose and keep the stone close to your forehead. Inhale and exhale slowly and imagine the energy of the stone engulfing you. Also visualize its energy healing your mind and body. Imagine you are experiencing a state of complete health and purity, and all physical ailments are dissipating.

After your meditation session with Zebra Jasper, you may feel a sense of calm and rejuvenation.


This stone can also be used in manifestation. Use 10 10 10 method of manifestation in this case.

Write down on a paper ten things you want, ten things you’re thankful for, and ten things you enjoy doing. Then, fold the paper and put Zebra Jasper on it. Place it in front of the God you worship.

Soon, you will see that certain blockades of life go away, and you will be set free to follow the path you wish. You will find your wishes fulfilled, and you will have started living the life you wished for.

Crystal Grid

Zebra Jasper can also be used as a focal stone in the Seed of Life grid. Clear quartz or citrine can be the supporting crystals. This helps to remove all negativity from the surroundings. Place the grid on a table or altar.

If you wish to focus on relationship improvement, then use a combination of Rose Quartz and Zebra Jasper. Use it for a lunar cycle to see improvements in your strained relationship.

Again if you want abundance then use combination of Malachite and Zebra Jasper. Just as before use it for a lunar cycle to see your finances improve.



Zebra Jasper can be cut out and polished into palm stones, tumbled stones, cabochons, and beads. Beautiful bracelets and necklaces can be made out of it. They look really fashionable. It gives a combination of both aesthetic and modern looks.

Types of Zebra Jasper

Apart from normal black and white Zebra Jasper, two common varieties are Pink Zebra Jasper and Brown Zebra Jasper.

Pink Zebra Jasper

When you wear pink zebra jasper, you will feel content and nurtured. The energy it emits is inspiring, upbeat, and full of life. It works wonders for shielding your aura.

Brown Zebra Jasper

This type of stone is usually procured from mines in Africa and Australia. It is said to boost creative imagination.

Physical Properties

Let us now look into some physical properties of Zebra Jasper.

Groupe.g. Silicate
Chemical FormulaSiO2
ColorsBlack, brown, white, beige, green, red
Hardness (Moh’s Scale)6.5 to 7
Cleavage (It is how a crystal naturally splits to make a new flat side, staying in line with its pattern. It breaks smoothly and can keep splitting this way many times, keeping its shape).Indiscernible
Fracture (It happens when the crystal breaks in a random way, not along its natural splitting lines).Conchoidal
Luster (It shows how light is reflected from surface of the crystal).Vitreous
Luminescence (It is emission of light by a substance when it is not heated).None
Refractive Index1.54 to 1.55

Caring for Your Crystal


The stone can be cleaned with running water. You can also use salt water.

It is important to handle your stone with care. Make sure that there are no scratches to its surface.


It can be charged in various ways, like by placing it with Clear Quartz or Selenite.

You can also cleanse it by burning sage.

Another common method is to keep it exposed to moonlight for a night.

Yet another powerful method is to chant your prayers and visualize that all the negativity goes away from the stone.

Charging your crystal regularly will help maintain its energy and effectiveness.

Remember to set your intentions with your crystal during the charging process to enhance its power and connection to you.


To conclude, Zebra Jasper is yet another fascinating stone. You should always consider using it or keeping it in your collection.

It is a great stone for bringing emotional healing, focus, and optimism to your life. It also helps you overcome procrastination and guides you through any major change.

It works wonders for Gemini, Libra, and Virgo. It also helps balance the Root chakra, making you feel secure and grounded. It also works on the Crown Chakra and gives clarity to your thoughts.

It also resonates with the number 11, which is a powerful number in numerology.

When we look into its spiritual aspect, we see that the stone connects to our angels. It also helps us interpret our dreams. Some say their intuitive ability also increases when using the stone.

Overall, Zebra Jasper can benefit you in various aspects of your life. Its properties make it a valuable tool for personal growth and self-discovery.


Is Zebra Jasper safe in the water?

Yes, it is safe in water.

Is Zebra Jasper rare?

Yes, it is a rare stone. But these days, it is easily available in online marketplaces like Etsy.

Is it safe in the Sun?

Yes, it is safe when exposed to the Sun, so you can safely wear it while you sunbathe.

Can Zebra Jasper go in salt water?

Yes, it can go in salt water. So, you can surf in the sea wearing this stone.

Is Zebra Jasper safe to wear?

Yes, it is safe to wear and does not show any prominent side effects.

Why is my Zebra Jasper changing color?

Why is my Zebra Jasper changing color?

Who shouldn’t wear Zebra Jasper?

Do not use this stone if you feel dizzy or restless while wearing it.

How do you clean Zebra Jasper?

It can be cleaned using running water.

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