Red Tiger Eye Revelation: Strength, Power, Healing, and Balance

Energy Strength Vitality with red tiger eye

The weather was chilling at Williston, so when I got an invitation to attend a conference at Austin Community College, Texas, I was elated.

It’s because whenever I’m in Texas, I ensure to visit one of my favorite shops, ‘Crystal Works.’ Last time, I bought a beautiful, one-of-a-kind Red Tiger Eye. Trust me, this stone works like a charm.

Red Tiger Eye has a strong energy that protects and heals you. It provides you with the necessary strength and courage that is necessary when you go through a rough patch.

The most wonderful thing about this stone is that it opens up your mind. You start thinking out of the box. You become a problem solver.

Let me tell you something more about this stone and my experience with it.

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What is Red Tiger Eye?

Red Tiger Eye is a stone of energy. It infuses you with zeal and vigor to achieve anything that you want.

It takes away your self-doubt. It deals with your laziness. You will not procrastinate. You become true and honest with yourself.

Your mind becomes so sure of the things to achieve that it doesn’t care about the hurdles.

This stone belongs to the family of quartz. It’s mostly red to reddish brown with light and dark bands.

These bands are the result of mineral deposits, and the color is due to the oxidation of iron.

The stone has a unique feature called chatoyancy, also called a cat’s eye effect.

red tiger eye

Healing Power of Red Tiger Eye

If you feel sluggish, slow, and demotivated, then Red Tiger Eye is the stone for you.

It has the power to change your attitude and outlook towards life. It helps you heal emotionally as well as physically.

Emotional Healing

If you analyze your failures in various ventures, then you will find that, in most cases, the cause of those failures is your own temperament to handle the situation rather than external factors.

So, if you want to overcome your negative temperament, just add Red Tiger Eye to your life. This stone helps you put aside your emotional baggage and help you become more professional.

You start doing things that need to be done rather than engaging yourself in activities that may not give you the results that you need.

You take hurdles head-on. You analyze every possible outcome and plan accordingly. You start making a backup plan as you plan your main course of action.

You will feel a huge spurt of energy and vigor as you start using Red Tiger Eye. It unclogs your thinking. You become determined to achieve your goal.

The most important thing that you get from wearing a Red Tiger Eye is that you get clarity on the purpose of doing things.

You don’t just do things. You become aware of why doing a thing is important and how it helps or hinders in achieving your goal.

Your emotions become your slave, not the other way around. This feeling empowers you with the understanding that you are a very important person, and it’s your duty to serve your well-being.

You protect yourself from getting hurt or getting carried away in emotions.

You start taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

red tiger eye tower

Wearing Red Tiger Eye makes you the driver of your destiny. You set on a journey to achieve something so big that you may not even imagine it previously. You finally get a purpose in your life.

Physical Healing

People from various cultures say that this stone has a positive impact on the sexual drive of a person.

Some even believe that it helps people with asthma. But I have a contradictory viewpoint on this. I believe it’s best to consult a qualified doctor with such serious health issues.

This stone, in some tribal cultures, is also believed to heal fatigue, pain, and swelling on limbs.

It is also believed that Red Tiger Eye can help in recovery from illness. It is also said to keep calm and trust in the healing process when you suffer from any ailment.

It is also said to increase metabolism and help in digestion.

In spite of all these claims by believers, it is rational to reach out to a doctor for any physical illness and apply healing techniques only as an additional holistic approach to the ailment.

Metaphysical Properties of Red Tiger Eye

This stone balances our chakras, which helps us get a sound mind and a healthy body.

red tiger eye crystal ball

When this stone is used properly, most of the zodiac signs are benefited. But, two particular signs can feel its effect the most.  

It also balances your yin and yang and provides you with mental clarity.

Red Tiger Eye has numerical vibrations of 4 and 8. Thus, it adds stabilization and keeps you from getting distracted by trivial issues. Thus, it helps you focus on your goal.

Chakra Healing

This stone works wonderfully well when you require to balance your Root Chakra. Chakras, as you may know, are the energy centers of your body, and Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) is the first of the seven chakras located at the base of your spine.

It is associated with the element earth and red color, which corresponds to the color of the Red Tiger Eye.

When this chakra is not balanced, it may drive fear, instability, and insecurity. It may also affect your digestive problems.

How Red Tiger Eye Supports the Root Chakra?

Grounding energy

Red Tiger Eye possesses grounding properties that help individuals connect to Earth. It establishes a sense of stability, and you will feel yourself centered in your body.

Stimulating Vitality

By stimulating the root chakra, the Red Tiger Eye promotes vitality, strength, and resilience. It makes you ready to take on any challenges that life throws at you.

Balance Emotions

Red Tiger Eye’s calming influence helps individuals to overcome fear, anxiety, or insecurity. You will have a calm mind and will not react unnecessarily to every situation that you come across.

Enhancing Confidence

Red Tiger Eye can boost the confidence and self-esteem of an individual. It thus contributes to a more balanced root chakra.

By promoting balance in the root chakras, Red Tiger Eye supports the alignment of other chakras.

When the foundational energy of the root chakra is stable and secure, it provides a solid base for the upward flow of energy through the remaining chakra.

a bowl of red tiger eye

Zodiac of Red Tiger Eye

The Red Tiger Eye is a stone that any zodiac sign can wear. But, it is very effective for Leos and Capricorns.

Leo is associated with strength, leadership, and vitality.

Red tiger eye’s grounding energy and ability to enhance confidence and vitality align with Leo’s bold and charismatic personality.

Capricorn is known for its practicality, ambition, and determination. Red Tiger Eye’s grounding properties can help Capricorns stay focused on their goals while providing a sense of stability and security.

Use of Red Tiger Eye

Red Tiger Eye can be primarily used in five ways.

red tiger eye pendant

Use it as Jewelry

Necklaces and bracelets made of Red Tiger Eye are common. You can buy it online from Etsy or Amazon.

Using it in this way is also very easy. The stone touches your skin, and this is very effective in absorbing its energy.

The only drawback is you need to recharge it every fourteen days because it absorbs all negative energy directed toward you.

Use it During Meditation

During Meditation, you may find your mind running haywire.  

In such cases, hold a piece of Red Tiger Eye and feel the weight and energy. Then, close your eyes and start meditating.

These stones can be collected from different crystal shops in the country.

Put it in the North-East Part of Your Room

According to Feng Shui, to bring clarity, stability, and prosperity in your life, you should keep your North East corner clean and energized.

So, it is advisable to keep a bowlful of tumbled stones in that corner. There are also other decorative items made of this stone.

They make your corner cozy, warm, protective, and full of positive energy.

Keep it Beneath Your Matress

To rekindle your bedroom emotions, you should keep at least two Red Tiger Eyes under the bed.

It increases libido and energy, and you will experience a fiery sex life.

Keep it in Your Purse or on Workstation

If you feel low in your workplace or need help spending your money judiciously, use this stone.

Put a raw Red Tiger Eye on your desk as a paperweight, or else carry it in your purse. Soon, you will find changes in your thinking process.

Physical Properties of Red Tiger Eye

Red Tiger Eye is a type of quartz that is Silicon Dioxide (SiO2). It has inclusions of iron oxide, which gives it its distinctive red-to-reddish-brown color.

red tiger eye bracelet

This stone is formed when the fibrous crocidolite is replaced by quartz through a process called pseudomorphosis.

The following table lists all the other physical properties of this stone.

ColorDeep red to reddish brown with golden or yellow bands
LusterSilky, sometimes vitreous
TransparencyTranslucent to opaque
Crystal SystemHexagonal
Moh’s Hardness7
FractureUneven, conchoidal
Specific Gravity2.63 – 2.65
Refractive Index1.544 – 1.553

This stone is found in South Africa, Namibia, Brazil, United States, Canada and India.

Use of Red Tiger Eye an Ancient Cultures

The Red Tiger Eye is a stone used from ancient times in various cultures. It is said that due to the strength it provides, Roman soldiers used it during war.

Egyptians consider this stone to have blessings and power—Egyptian Sun God Ra.

Some also consider this stone to have the strength of Goddess Durga, a deity worshiped in India for killing a demon called ‘Mahisashur.’


That’s almost everything about this stone. My personal experience with this stone is very positive. For the past two years, I’ve been wearing a Red Tiger Eye bracelet, and that has completely changed my outlook towards myself.

I feel as if I’m more of myself. I nurture myself and look for my happiness in simple ways rather than focusing on happiness from material gains. I feel gratitude for everything that I have achieved, and I’m confident that I will do better in the coming days.

So, if you are suffering from a lack of confidence, you are feeling low, or you feel that your decisions are not best, then consider using Red Tiger Eye.

This stone balances your chakra and keeps you grounded. It provides you the strength and power to fight all odds.

It also rekindles your love life. It gives you motivation to go on. You do not cling to any emotion that drains your energy. You become practical and take the right steps towards achieving your goal.

Thus I can say that the mental clarity you get using the stone gives you freedom from failures, uncertainties, and self-doubt.

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