Red Obsidian: Harnessing Courage, Passion, and Psychic Protection


Red Obsidian, also called ‘Mahogany Obsidian,’ is a volcanic glass. It originates when molten lava solidifies, creating a blend of deep red and earthly brown.

It is a stone of strength and courage. You will be ready to take on all challenges. You will have no fear. You will be free from self doubt and will have tremendous confidence in yourself.

In this article, I will let you know the benefits of using Red Obsidian.

You will learn the zodiac signs for the stone, the chakras that it balances, the planet it is associated with, the numerical vibration it resonates with, and the psychic abilities that one can develop by using it.

You will also get a guide on ways to use the stone for maximum benefit.

So, let’s start.

Overview of Red Obsidian

I stumbled upon Red Obsidian when I visited Veracruz, Mexico. Here, I had a chance to visit an old gentleman who spoke Nahuatl, an ancient Aztec language. With him I saw an extremely rare Obsidian which was of ruby red color.

I initially suspected it to be laboratory-treated, but I learned it was a natural heirloom from his great-great-grandfather. It’s an original one and is one of the rarest of Red Obsidian.

But, the Red Obsidian that you will find mostly reddish brown.


Let’s look into some other properties of this stone.

MeaningCourage, Valor, Confidence, Passion, Grounding and Stability
MinedVolcanic regions worldwide, including the United States, Mexico, and Peru
Other NamesMahogany Obsidian
BenefitsProtection, Vitality, Determination, No day dreaming, Taking action
ColorsA fusion of crimson, mahogany, and ebony. Sometimes extremely rare ruby red color.
PlanetsAligned with Mars, the warrior planet
ChakrasRoot chakra (Muladhara) and Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana)
Zodiac SignsAries and Scorpio
Elements of NatureEarth and Fire
Gods and GoddessesTied to fire Gods like, Chantico, Mixcoatl, and Jacawitz.
VibrationResonates with the number 4
Feng ShuiPlace it in the south (passion and creativity) or southeast (wealth and abundance) corners of your home.
FamilySilica. (It is composed of approximately 70 percent or more of non-crystallized silica, making it chemically similar to granite and rhyolite).

What does Red Obsidian mean?

This stone is all about courage and protection. If you are in fear, use this stone. If you fail repeatedly, use this stone. If you feel you are running away from challenges, use it.

The stone rekindles curiosity, and so you start to look for the nitty-gritty of every failure and find out the cause. You start working on it, and you overcome all your obstacles.

Red Obsidian helps you develop a unique habit of looking at things objectively. You do not take things for granted and look out for a reason behind everything.

You overcome preconceived notions about anything. Using the stone, you understand that failure and success, fear and courage, confidence and nervousness are all states of mind. If you can control your mind, then you can control your feelings.

Healing Properties and Benefits of Using Red Obsidian


Passion and Vitality

  • Red Obsidian stirs your passion. If you feel your desires going down, or if the world is too materialistic for you, start using the stone.
  • There are worldly pleasures that, as a person, you should enjoy. It is what nature has given us. It’s not a sin to look out for love, sex, and companionship.
  • So, when you feel sexual desires go away, or when you have a libido problem, use Red Obsidian to rekindle the flame within.
  • Its energy encourages you to lead a healthy, fulfilling life. You do not regret it when you let your passion and desire play their role.

Protection and Psychic Shield

  • Red Obsidian protects against emotional trauma. If you’ve been abused, this stone can help you recover.
  • It gives you the mental strength to fight adverse situations. You never give up. So, when you feel that the whole world is against you, use this stone, and soon you will find the same world taking a bow before you.
  • The stone enhances your intuition, enabling you to detect psychic attacks. If you perceive such an attack, immediately chant ‘om’ 108 times, holding Red Obsidian in your hand. It will neutralize all psychic attacks against you.

Emotional Release and Purification

  • Red Obsidian absorbs all negativity. It helps to heal all wounds of your heart. So, if you are in constant emotional pain, then use it. It calms your mind and helps you to get over your pain.
  • It releases all past emotions. There is no holding back for you. You are relieved of all your inhibitions. You move on with your life. It closes a chapter for you, and you start afresh.
  • It purifies your heart and gives you wisdom and knowledge not to repeat past mistakes.

Grounding and Stability

  • When you go through chaotic times, you must keep your cool. Red Obsidian does exactly that by grounding you and providing you with emotional stability.
  • If everything falls apart in your life, Red Obsidian, don’t let uncertainty and skepticism fog your vision. Instead, it keeps you calm and stable. You analyze the situation and find a solution for it.

Zodiac Birthstones


Red Obsidian helps overcome negative traits for all zodiac signs. But it helps the most for Aries and Scorpios.


  • Negative Traits: Impulsiveness, impatience, and stubbornness.
    • How Red Obsidian Helps: Red Obsidian tempers Aries’ impulsiveness, allowing them to channel their energy wisely.
    • It teaches patience, transforming stubbornness into determination.


  • Negative Traits: Jealousy, secrecy, and obsession.
    • How Red Obsidian Helps: Red Obsidian dissolves jealousy, encouraging Scorpio to trust and let go.
    • It unveils hidden truths, replacing secrecy with authenticity.

Chakra Healing

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • Blocked Chakra Issues: Fear, insecurity, and lack of stability.
  • Red Obsidian’s Healing: It helps in grounding and providing mental stability. It also provides a sense of safety.
  • Benefits: Fear dissipates, and confidence blooms.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

  • Blocked Chakra Issues: Emotional numbness, creative blocks, and intimacy struggles.
  • Red Obsidian’s Healing: It ignites passion. Unblocks creativity and emotional flow.
  • Benefits: Return of sensuality and pleasure.

Planet: Mars

  • The energy of Red obsidian aligns with that of Mars. It gives you fearlessness and confidence. You challenge your opponent with tremendous vigor and come out a winner.
  • Sometimes when you are overwhelmed and feel that a task is impossible, then put the stone in your working desk. It will help you break the task into smaller parts. You will finish each of the parts and finally be able to complete the whole task.

Numerical Vibration 4

  • Red Obsidian resonates with numerical vibration 4, which represents responsibility and care. If you have 4 in your numerology chart, use it. For example, if you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of the month, then you should always keep Red Obsidian in your purse.
  • It will make you mature and disciplined. You will not shy away from working hard on the projects at hand.
  • You will become the best in your field, and it will bring you success.

Spiritual Properties

Let us now delve into the mystical dimensions of the Red Obsidian.

spirituality of red obsidian

Angel Numbers

Numbers carry celestial messages. So, when you see a particular number repeatedly, then it indicates that the cosmic power is guiding you.

But it is difficult for us to always decipher its meaning. So, we can use certain crystals and gemstones to understand the divine intervention.

For numbers 3838 and 4444, use Red Obsidian.

Angel Number 3838

  • Interpretation: When you encounter 3838, you can be sure of great rewards. It indicates happiness and joy in your life. You can also expect balance and harmony.
    • Red Obsidian Connection: It will help you to amplify your connection to the cosmic world. So, it helps you recognize the direction that you should follow.
    • It will lead you to a path of balance, harmony, and prosperity.

Angel Number 4444

  • Interpretation: When you frequently see 4444 number you can be sure that your angels are guiding you to spiritual awakening.
    • Red Obsidian Connection: It helps you to connect to your higher self.
    • By keeping it close to your skin, you can concentrate during your meditation.
    • You will also be able to connect to your angels and understand what they want from you.
    • You will set on a journey to self-discovery and understand the meaning of your existence.

Extrasensory Perception

  • Red Obsidian heightens intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance.
  • If you correctly use this stone, you can explore worlds from other dimensions.
  • Some yogis claim to use the stone to connect with the ancient Lemurian civilization. While we may not be able to achieve this, it certainly helps foster a sense of unseen worlds beyond our immediate perception.

Side Effects of Red Obsidian

The effects of crystals and gemstones are personal. Each person has a different experience. So, it would help if you believed in yourself because you and the crystal work together.

Here are some side effects that I have felt using it. Do share with me if you feel any different.

  • Energetic Intensity: Red Obsidian’s fiery energy can be overpowering for sensitive souls. Use it mindfully; balance it with calming stones like Amethyst.
  • Emotional Stirring: It unearths buried emotions. Be prepared for introspection. Journal your feelings; let Red Obsidian guide your healing.
  • Physical Sensitivity: Some may experience heightened body heat or restlessness. Place it near your feet during sleep to ground excess energy.

Using Red Obsidian for Maximum Benefits

When using Red Obsidian in your meditation, manifestation, etc. there are specific methods to follow. There are certain shapes of the stone which can also enhance its affects. It will help you to achieve results quickly.

Which Red Obsidian Should I Use?


In stores like Etsy you will find beautifully sculpted Red Obsidian in shape of heart, kidney, elephant, and even bird skulls.

The heart shaped stone is used for healing emotional wounds.

The kidney shaped stone is used to cleanse our mind from toxic thoughts.

The elephant shaped stone is preferable for grounding and bird shaped Red Obsidian is usually used to connect to spirit world.

You will also find Tumbled stones which are useful for keeping inside your purse. You can also keep around some tumbled red obsidian stone in a glass bowl and place it at your center table to ward off negativity.

Arrowhead shaped or crescent shaped stones are also used to ward off negativity from workplace.

Using this stone as bracelet is also common. When you wear three or four bracelet together it looks cool and fashionable.

But, wearing it as a necklace rare, but many wear it as a pendant.


  • Process: Find a quiet space. Hold Red Obsidian in your palm, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.
  • Imagination: Visualize a red light coming out from your Red Obsidian and purifying every cell of your body. Feel its energy and warmth.
  • Benefits: Grounding, i.e. Red Obsidian anchors you during meditation.
    • Innovativeness: It ignites your creativity. It also clears your intentions and gives you a purpose.


  • Process: Write your desires on a piece of paper and read aloud three times before going to bed. Then, place a Red Obsidian atop your written intentions.
  • Imagination: Close your eyes and envisage that Red Obsidian has transformed your life. Try to feel happiness, contentment, and peace of mind as if you have already achieved your goal.
    • Benefits: You get a Divine blessing. The stone ensures your manifestations connect to the divine power, and you achieve your dream as soon as possible.
    • Inspired Action: You no longer wait for things to happen; instead, you start to take concrete steps to fulfill your desires.

Crystal Grid

red obsidian crystal grid
  • Process: Arrange Red Obsidian in the pattern of Flower of Life or Seed of Life.
  • Combinations: Pair it with Black Tourmaline for protection and Carnelian for passion.
  • Benefits: Amplification, i.e. Red Obsidian magnifies the grid’s energy.
    • No Distractions: It helps you not to get distracted from your path to success. It also protects you from the evil intentions of people who want you to fail at all costs.

Feng Shui

  • You can place this stone in the South (passion and creativity) or Southeast (wealth and abundance) corner of your bedroom.
  • Red Obsidian activates fire energy, enhancing passion and vitality.
  • It also helps to attract wealth and prosperity.
  • It makes your home a lively place full of positive vibes.


  • Keep the Red Obsidian on your work desk or in your working cupboard. You can also keep it in the bag that you carry to your office.
  • It helps to enhance your intuition during negotiations with your clients. It aids in securing orders at a very good price, which increases profitability.

History and Lore

  • Aztecs believed this stone was made from the blood of God. They also believed that it contained the spirit of a great warrior. So, they used Red Obsidian as a talisman to protect them from evil and give them courage on the battlefield.
  • Mayans, on the other hand, used this stone to connect to their ancestors.
  • It is also believed that during solstices and equinoxes, shamans harness the energy of Red Obsidian to invoke fire goddesses.

Caring for Your Crystal:

  • Cleansing: Rinse under cool water or smudge with sage to clear energies.
  • Charging: Place under the moonlight or sunlight for rejuvenation.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Pairing With Other Crystals:

  • Black Tourmaline: Combining Red Obsidian with Black Tourmaline creates a protective shield.
    • Benefits: Guards against negativity and psychic attacks.
  • Carnelian: Pair Red Obsidian with Carnelian for passion and creativity.
    • Benefits: Helps you to be creative. It infuses your heart with love and passion. It gives your body strength and vitality.
  • Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz amplifies Red Obsidian’s energy.
    • Benefits: Enhances clarity, intention, and manifestation.


Thus, from the above article, we learned that Red Obsidian is a volcanic glass.

It gives strength and courage, allowing individuals to take challenges head-on with no fear or self-doubt.

It also offers protection from mental trauma and enhances intuition.

The stone absorbs negativity, heals emotional wounds, and purifies the heart. It also gives wisdom and knowledge about not repeating past mistakes.

Red Obsidian grounds and provides emotional stability during chaotic times. It keeps you calm and stable.

It is also beneficial to various Aries and Scorpio. It balances the Root chakra and the Sacral Chakra.

In summary, Red Obsidian is a powerful tool for overcoming challenges and it helps you in personal growth.

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