Purple Labradorite: The Secret to Empathy, Discipline, Confidence, and Personal Growth

purple labradorite

Purple Labradorite is a rare variety of labradorite feldspar, a mineral known for its beautiful iridescence or play of colors.

This stone is not a single mineral. There is a series of different compositions of minerals, like Albite and Anorthite.

Most of the Labradorites show blue, green, gold, and even red flashes.

Purple Labradorite has a more prominent display of purple hues. This color is due to the presence of copper ions along with iron.

In this article you will get a guide on healing properties, Metaphysical Properties and Uses of Purple Labradorite. You will also know how this stone can be used in home decor.

Let’s start with an overview.


MeaningWealth, Power, Intuition and Adventure
MinedNain in Canada
BenefitsHelps you get out of entitlement, inconsistency, and disorganization. It also develop empathy and confidence.
ColorsPurple with tinctures of blue, yellow, grey, white and even red.
ChakrasThroat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
Zodiac SignsGemini, Virgo, Scorpio
Gods and GoddessesPoseidon
Numerical VibrationNumber 7

What is Purple Labradorite Meaning?


Purple Labradorite means royalty and luxury. Wearing it will bring you wealth and power. It gives you confidence. It promotes faith in oneself.

The stone boosts your imagination, and so it helps you generate new ideas.

The stone invokes the sleeping adventurer in you. So, you start to take risks for greater gains. You become ambitious.

The stone helps you to find purpose in your life.

Healing Properties and Benefits of Using Purple Labradorite

My experience tells me that Purple Labradorite helps you overcome entitlement, inconsistency, and disorganization.

It also encourages you to develop empathy and confidence.

Let us get into details.


Sometimes, we develop an unjustified sense of deservingness. It may result in a lack of motivation to work or develop new skills. This mentality can hinder personal growth.

On using Purple Labradorite, you start engaging in self-reflection.

You start asking yourself critical questions. You become open to constructive criticism.

You also learn to cope with disappointments. You understand that not every desire or goal is met, and that’s part of life.



It is not uncommon that we fail to recognize and validate the feelings of others. This lack of empathy may lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and breakdown in communication.

It can strain friendships, romantic relationships, and family dynamics.

Purple Labradorite helps you reflect on your biases and challenge them.

You start to acknowledge your prejudice and also show compassion to others.

You even pay attention to body language. Try to understand facial expressions. Consider the tone of voice. Only then do you try to fully understand someone’s feelings.

It results in better relationships, trust, and confidence.


If you are inconsistent, then use Purple Labradorite. Your inconsistency can lead to fluctuation in the quality of your work.

It can affect your reputation professionally.

If you are in a team, team members who consistently meet their obligations may resent you. It may lead to tension and a lack of cohesion within the group.

Purple Labradorite encourages self-discipline. You begin by committing to your routine and decisions.

The stone helps you develop habits that support your goals.

You also prioritize healthy lifestyle choices, such as adequate sleep, exercise, and nutrition, which can affect energy levels and focus.



If you are disorganized, then it can lead to a waste of time searching for items or information. It delays tasks, and you may miss your deadlines. In such cases, use Purple Labradorite.

This stone helps you focus, and you try to identify what commonly distracts you. You also find ways to minimize these interruptions.

So, use this stone to promote insights that help you allocate limited time for each task based on their priority. It enables you to overcome disorganization.


There are times when you may feel low and less confident. It can lead to hesitancy and self-imposed limitations.

You may feel making decisions is a daunting task.

You might avoid taking on challenging tasks, contributing ideas, or seeking promotions. It can stall your growth and achievement. In such a situation, you should wear a Purple Labradorite.

The stone encourages you to set achievable goals for yourself. When you achieve these goals, it gives you a sense of achievement. It builds your confidence to tackle larger challenges.

Confidence comes from a sense of competence. Purple Labradorite keeps you calm and helps you invest time in mastering skills and acquiring knowledge in areas important to you. The more competent you feel, the more confident you become.

Purple Labradorite Spiritual and Metaphysical Properties.

I have seen that the stone works best for Gemini, Virgo, and Scorpio.

When it comes to chakra healing, many say that it influences the throat, third eye, and crown chakra.

It is also said to be associated with the planet Neptune.


Zodiac Birthstones

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

As a Gemini myself, I find myself to be indecisive and anxious.

However, when using Purple Labradorite, I felt its calming energies reduce my anxieties and indecisions.

It gave me clarity of thought and helped me make prompt and proper decisions.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos are hard-working and reliable. At the same time, they may be overly critical and can be perfectionists.

They tend to criticize themselves and others more than necessary. It causes stress and strained relationships.

Purple Labradorite can help them calm their mind. It augments the release of unwanted thoughts, self-criticism, and worry.

The stone encourages openness and lessens the need for perfection. It helps Virgos to be forgiving of themselves and others.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpios are ambitious and brave. They are also very emotional.

Sometimes, they can hold grudges and harbor jealousy more intensely than other signs. It can result in trust issues and difficulties in letting go of past wrongs.

But Purple Labradorite helps Scorpio release jealous feelings. It promotes self-love and compassion. It helps heal emotional wounds.

Chakra Healing

Many crystal healers, yogis, and psychic readers have said that they feel Purple Labradorite is best for blocked or unaligned Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.

Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is blocked or unaligned, you may face difficulty in communication and self-expression.

Purple Labradorite can help you overcome shyness, fear of speaking, or social anxiety. It, thus, enables you to express yourself adequately.

Third Eye Chakra

Unaligned or blocked third eye chakra results in a lack of intuition and insight.

Use Purple Labradorite to stimulate your intuitions. The stone also helps you access your inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra

If your crown chakra is unaligned or blocked, you will never feel connected to spirituality or a universal consciousness.

It results in a lack of purpose and difficulty in finding meaning in life.

Purple Labradorite has energy amplification properties. It will help you enhance spiritual growth and remove negative energies.

It also makes you understand that we are just a tiny part of a grand design created by God.


If Neptune is not in your favor according to the astrological chart, then you may be confused and lack clarity in various aspects of life.

It can lead to difficulty in understanding even your own emotions.

In such cases, many astrologers recommend using Purple Labradorite. According to them, the stone promotes clarity of mind, spiritual awareness, and inner peace.

It can counteract Neptune’s confusing influences.


Purple Labradorite resonates with the number 7, associated with introspection, spiritual awakening, and deep understanding of material world.

So, when you use the stone, it promotes spiritual awareness. It aids in meditation and helps you to connect more deeply with your inner self.

Side Effects of Purple Labradorite

During my use of the stone, I never observed any side effects. It has always given me positive vibes and helped me find peace and at home with myself.

You should also hold the stone and try to feel its energy. If it helps you relax and feel calm and composed, you can safely use it and explore its other benefits.

But if you feel no connection with the stone or nothing positive is happening, stop using it. You should visit a crystal healer who can help you choose the right crystal.

Living Space and Workspace

Purple Labradorite can be displayed and used in your house and office. Here are some ways to incorporate it into your life.

living room
  • On Coffee Table: Purple Labradorite is visually stunning. It adds a touch of elegance and essence to your space. I have kept four pieces of the stone in a bowl on my coffee table. It adds elegance and gives a positive vibe.
  • Wind Chimes on Portico: You can hang crystal wind chimes made of Purple Labradorite in your portico. Crystal wind chimes reflect sunlight and create a stunning display of light and colors. As the Sun moves throughout the day, these reflections shift and change, adding dynamic beauty to your portico.
  • On Working Desk: You can keep Purple Labradorite crystal towers on your desk. It promotes focus, clarity, and positive energy.
  • Near Entryway: You can keep the stone in the entryway and reception area. It can create a welcoming and harmonious environment for both employees and visitors.
  • Personal Space: If you have a personal space for meditation, you can place towers of stone at the corners of the room. It balances the energy flow throughout the space.


Many women prefer using Purple Labradorite as rings. It is typically set in precious metals like gold, silver, or platinum.

This stone can also be seen as a single large gemstone or multiple smaller stones in necklaces.

Tennis bracelets featuring a continuous line of identical purple labradorites are trendy.

Best Place to Buy

I prefer to go to any reputed crystal shop to buy this stone.

I always talk to the store manager to understand how they procure their inventory. If I feel satisfied with their process and if their collection is good, I buy stones from them. You can also do the same by buying a Purple Labradorite.

But, if you feel buying it online is better, then I will suggest you try Etsy. There are stores in this marketplace that have a very good collection of crystals and gemstones.

Pairing With Other Crystals

  • Citrine is called the ‘Merchants Stone.’ It brings prosperity and abundance to your life. So, when you combine it with Purple Labradorite, it is said to amplify individual properties. So, the pair creates a potent force for manifesting wealth and achieving goals more effectively.
  • Clear Quartz is a ‘Master Healer.’ When used with Purple Labradorite, it boosts confidence and enhances the qualities of both stones.
  • Lapis Lazuli is a ‘Wisdom Stone’. When it comes in contact with Purple Labradorite, it encourages self-awareness and enhances intellectual ability. The pair foster logical thinking and communication.


So, we see that Purple Labradorite can have several benefits. It can help overcome entitlement, promote self-discipline, mitigate inconsistency, and encourage habitual behavior to boost confidence.

The stone also shows biases towards Gemini, Virgo, and Scorpio.

It aligns with the throat, third eye, and sacral chakra.

These are my experiences with the stone. But every stone on earth can connect with you in a different way. You may have different experiences with it. There is no fixed set of rules.

So, using Purple Labradorite can improve your emotional health, interpersonal relationships, and professional efficiency.


Is it safe in water?

Yes, Purple Labradorite is safe in water. But if you keep it for longer periods then there may be discoloration.

Is Purple Labradorite rare?

Yes it is rare in comparison to other Labradorites.

Is it safe in the Sun?

If you keep it for shorter period then there is no harm, or else there can be discoloration.

Can it go in salt water?

You should avoid using the stone in salt water.

Is it safe to wear?

Yes, Purple Labradorite is safe to wear.

Why is my Purple Labradorite changing color?

If the stone comes in contact with harsh chemicals or be overexposed to Sun then there can be discoloration.

How to identify a real Purple Labradorite from a fake?

Real Labradorites have labradorescence which fake ones cannot have.

Who shouldn’t wear Purple Labradorite?

All can wear this stone.

Where to keep Purple Labradorite in your house?

Keep it in your living room, bedroom, or workspace.

How do you clean Purple Labradorite?

Clean with a damp cloth. Don’t scrub.

Is Purple Labradorite expensive?

A bit more expensive than other labradorites.

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