Powers of Green Moonstone: Enhance Your Psychic Abilities and Embrace Spiritual Change.

benefits of green moonstone

Green Moonstone is a protective, magical, mystically enlightening, and loving crystal. It is soothing and uplifting; it opens the heart to empathy; it makes one more sensitive to the Divine Feminine; it heightens intuition; it promotes hope and inspiration; it induces restful sleep; it helps one have more lucid dreams; and is beneficial to the health of women.

green moonstone makes you sense Devinity

In this article, I have highlighted the spiritual, metaphysical, and physical properties of green Moonstone. It also explains how this stone can change your life and can guide you to be successful in your life. I will also share some tips on incorporating green Moonstone into your daily routine and adequately caring for it. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced crystal user, this post will provide valuable insights into the benefits of green Moonstone.  

Green moonstone meaning and its significance

The enigmatic and potent qualities of green Moonstone can have far-reaching consequences for one’s life and character.

It can heal mental or emotional wounds, deal with stress, get insight into how to live a more purposeful life, boost confidence and drive, effect a complete life overhaul, and improve one’s psychic faculties.

moonstone state gem of florida

Green Moonstone connects lunar and planetary energies. It is interesting to know that Moonstone is also Florida’s state gem, to commemorate the landing on the moon’s surface, which took off from Kennedy Space Center.

Let’s investigate its spiritual, metaphysical, and curative properties so that we may put this great stone to use in our lives.

Spiritual Meaning of green Moonstone

green moonstone used as amulets

Green Moonstone has been used for centuries as a protective amulet and to provide calm to the wearer’s mind and spirit and increase their sense of hope and drive.

Green Moonstone is a potent gemstone that can strengthen one’s willpower, strengthen bonds between loved ones, and bring genuine happiness.

In addition to these benefits, it can increase wisdom and intelligence, bring harmony to male and female energies, and improve decision-making.

Moonstone is attuned to feminine energy, so it sparks inspiration and also increases synchronicity.

It brings about the most heartfelt desires and improves health and happiness.

Metaphysical properties of green Moonstone

Green Moonstone has traditionally been revered as a magical and protective stone of pleasure, fertility, and spiritual beliefs.

It is a reassuring stone that can help anyone learn to flow with life’s natural cycles. Understanding how to feel for and accept the feelings of others is facilitated.

green moonstone used to increase psychic ability

This stone is thought to enhance receptivity to the Divine Feminine, boost intuition, and activate psychic abilities.

It gives people a reason to believe, propels them forward, and puts them in sync with their goals. It has been said that moonstones can help you fall asleep quickly and have more vivid dreams.

Healing properties of green Moonstone

According to some folklore it is claimed that green moonstone is used in physical treatments and healing, such as impotence and infertility, fluid retention, degenerative problems, insomnia, detoxification, growth issues, digestion problems, and the proper flow of energy to all parts of the body. There are no scientific study on these claims. You should visit a clinical practitioner for proper treatment of your ailments.

What power does green Moonstone have?

When you are in distress you may lack ability to think rationally. You make mistakes and it hits you adversely. You may find yourself to be in trouble with the task at hand. Those who wear green moonstones under such a situation claim that it enhances their ability to think critically and make sound judgments especially in workplace.

green moonstone makes you better at workplace

It also can improve the person’s personality, increase the clarity of their thinking, and assist the person in becoming more skilled at their job.

Low self-esteem can prevent you from taking pleasure in life and progressing toward your long- and short-term objectives. Mental and physical health might both suffer as a result. Green Moonstone is terrific for people who lack confidence and suffer from low self-esteem because it can help you feel brave, happy, and sure of yourself.

green moonstone makes your relations better

If you are in a bad relationship, and, you want to mend it, then you can use green moonstone. The stone helps you to become sensible and tackle situation with cool mind. This change in your attitude is automatically noticed by everyone. You give time and space to your partner which also allows them to reflect on the relationship. Green Moonstone carries the energy of love, so it is great to use if you want to get closer to the people you care about.

Green Moonstone enhances the natural impulses that make a person who they are. This stone calls out the inner creator which helps you find your most promising calling. So, if there is something that you can do naturally then it has every possibility to provide you with happiness and abundance.

Uses of Green Moonstone

Green Moonstone can be used for meditation and healing

The use of green moonstones for enhancing clairvoyant abilities is widespread, especially in women. Traditionally it has been observed that women have better sixth sense than men. Its their intuition which make them so special. Wearing green moonstone sharpen their intuitive skill. It is one of the reason we see many women with psychic ability to wear this stone.

Green Moonstone helps to open the heart chakra. The emotional qualities of Moonstone are most prominent in green Moonstone. It aids in recovering our emotional health by balancing the heart chakra.

When the heart chakra is blocked, it can cause both physical and mental problems, such as poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, lung infections, bronchitis, and problems with blood flow.

They can also lead to codependency, manipulative behavior, a feeling of not being good enough, and an inability to trust.

green moonstone opens heart chakra

Green Moonstone can be used to stimulate the heart chakra. Use this stone as you meditate, and it will help you open your heart chakra.

Meditation with this stone can help people cope with stress and worry, bring calm and insight, and be kind to themselves and others. It can also teach them to be less reactive.

Green Moonstone can be used in various ways to reap its benefits. One of them is to put this stone in your crystal grids or on your altar to bring loving energy into your life. Wire wrapping the stone to make crystal jewelry is another option. Additionally, carrying the stone with you throughout the day can serve as a reminder to practice self-care and compassion toward others.

The stone is also used in process of manifestation.

Green Moonstone in jewelry making

These stones have been prized for generations by jewelry collectors and, in particular, by royalty. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings are some jewelry options featuring green Moonstone.

Because of its eye-catching iridescence, it is often used as a focal point or to complement other gemstones.

Green moonstones are more popular than pearls and alexandrites in Germany and Scandinavia.

History and Origin of Green Moonstone

Green Moonstone has been associated with love, wisdom, and good fortune for centuries, and its legends date back to ancient Rome, where they believed it was created from crystallized rays of moonlight.

green moonstone associated with Goddess Diana

As an added bonus, it was thought that if you obtained the stone, you would be blessed with love, knowledge, and luck from the Roman moon goddess Diana. They thought it would help keep the mind clear so the person who wore it could make the best and most well-informed decisions possible. It is also believed that the person wearing it can predict or see the future.

It was widely worn as jewelry because of the belief that it would help reunite a separated couple.

It is thought that Moonstone dims and brightens following the phases of the moon, hence the name.

People have looked to Moonstone for reassurance, luck, love, and enchantment for millennia. It has been used for scrying the future and linked to the moon, magic, love, good fortune, and protection.

Most moonstones are made of orthoclase feldspar. It is also called “adularia,” named after Mt. Adular in Switzerland, where it was first mined.

Today, most of the moonstones that are sold come from Sri Lanka. Moonstones with a high degree of transparency and a strong blue sheen were mined in Myanmar, but now its deposits are said to be over.

Deposits of sanidine, a moonstone variety, can be found in Grant County, New Mexico, in the United States.

Today, moonstones are found in Armenia (mainly in Lake Sevan), Australia, the Austrian Alps, Mexico, Madagascar, Norway, and Poland.

Caring for Green Moonstone

Tips on how to care for green moonstone jewelry

green moonstone should be cleansed properly

Please keep in mind that the Mohs hardness for moonstone is around 6–6.5. So, it is susceptible to scratches if not handled properly. So, It’s best not to wear your green moonstone jewelry when doing housework, lifting heavy objects, or engaging in strenuous activities.

But, if your moonstone gets some scratch then do not loose heart. Take it to the jeweler to re-polish and again it will regain its shine.

If you are not using this stone then its better to wrap each piece of this stone individually in a bit of soft cotton and cover it with a velvet cloth. It is advisable to store it in a jewelry box.

How to cleanse and charge green Moonstone.

The best way to clean this stone is with warm soapy water or non-acid-based jewelry cleaner. Do not wash for more than 2–5 minutes. Then, rinse and dry with a soft cloth.

To charge your moonstone there are three methods that are most common.

  • Using moonlight: Moonstone jewelry can be charged with positive, high-vibrational energy by being left outside under the moonlight on the night before the full moon. The stone will be as brilliant as ever after three nights of treatment.
  • Smudging: Burning a smudge stick and letting the smoke surround the stone will change its energy field from negative to positive.
  • Using salt water: You can also get rid of bad vibes from moonstone jewelry by washing it under running water or letting it soak in salt water overnight. Never forget to chant your favorite mantra while washing this stone.

Physical properties of green Moonstone

Moonstones are types of orthoclase feldspar gemstones that can have a variety of different compositions. However, they almost always have layers that alternate between orthoclase and albite.

moonstone shows adularescence

The interior of the stone shows a unique visual effect called adularescence. This happens because of scattering and bending of light through the stone’s layers of orthoclase and albite. Effects like chatoyancy can also be seen in moonstone; but, asterism is rare.

Garnierite is another name for green Moonstone. Presence of Nickle gives moonstone the green color.

Following are some physical properties of green moonstone.

FractureUneven, conchoidal
PhenomenaAdularescence, chatoyancy, asterism (rare).
Specific Gravity2.56-2.59
Source: IGS


Finally, Moonstone has a long history of being linked to love, fertility, intuition and magical power. It is used in amulets for calming and uplifting emotions. It makes you more sensitive to the holy feminine and makes your intuition stronger.

It also helps you think more logically, which in turn helps you make good business decisions.

Green Moonstone promotes the healing of our hearts. It can be used to deal with overwhelming feelings, get over emotional pain or shock, and break free from emotional or mental chains.

This stone also helps you feel closer to the people you love. It helps you figure out who you really are. It fosters affluence and encourages increased creative output.

Additionally, the green Moonstone acts as a bridge between the energy of the moon and that of Mother Earth, enabling us to access our innate connection to Gaia and the Earth’s healing power.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of green Moonstone?

Moonstone costs are rather low. You can get it from any shop, online or off. Nonetheless, green moonstones are exceptionally rare, and their value is determined in large part by their luster and transparency. The adularescent effect can take on a wide range of hues. If the stone shines green and blue, it is perfect for expensive jewelry, so the price goes up.

Where should you buy green Moonstone?

Etsy stores provide good collections of green moonstones. They also showcase curated jewelry with green Moonstone. You can also look for any trusted online or offline store for this stone.

Are green moonstones rare?

Garnierite, or green Moonstone, is a highly uncommon silicate mineral. 

Are green moonstones dyed?

Green Moonstone is rare and pricier than other types of Moonstone. So, it is advisable to be cautious when purchasing and ensure that it is not dyed or treated to enhance its color. It is best to consult a gemologist or a reputable dealer to confirm the stone’s authenticity.

Can green moonstones go in the water?

Green Moonstone is safe in the water. It has a Moh’s hardness of 6 – 6.5, which makes it safe in water.

Can green moonstones go in the sun?

It is advisable to keep green moonstones from exposure to direct sunlight for a very long time. It may result in fading of its color.

A Request:

Do share your views on the healing ability of green moonstones. Express your concerns, beliefs, inhibitions, and feelings about the use and benefits of this beautiful stone.

That’s it for today. Hope to hear from you soon.

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