15 Crystals for Emotional Healing: Your Secret Path to Inner Bliss!

crystals for emotional healing

Emotional healing is a crucial aspect of human experience, especially during difficult times like financial struggles, the loss of loved ones, or bad experiences. Crystals can help us find solace and balance in such challenging moments.

Using crystals for emotional healing can give you a new way of looking at things and help you feel better about yourself. They are believed to have the ability to soothe our emotions and provide comfort and support. They can serve as a source of strength and healing. They can also assist in promoting clarity and positive energy in our lives.

This blog explores the profound relationship between crystals and emotional states. It will help you to choose the right crystals for emotional healing. It will also guide you on how to use these crystals.  

What are the Best Crystals for Emotional Healing?

Your best crystal is that which suits you the best. So, it is essential to try out several crystals. Here are some of the crystals that you may start with.


Amethyst for emotional healing
  • The energy of Amethyst is said to be calming and regulating. It can help you let go of negative emotions and emotional blockages.
  • Sarah Caldwell said in her book “Crystal Wisdom” said that Amethyst also has a relaxing effect and can help with the release of stress and the promotion of sleep.
  • It is believed that it also purifies the crown chakra, increasing one’s clairvoyance and psychic abilities.

Rose Quartz:

Rose Quartz for emotional healing
  • This crystal is a master at packing heavy negative feelings and replacing them with the power of trust, love, and self-care.
  • According to Diane Stein, it can help you heal your heart chakra and deal with past experiences of emotional pain, abandonment, trust, or loneliness.
  • Wearing Rose Quartz bracelets protects the heart from external influences and aids in overcoming negative emotions.
  • Rose Quartz also fosters compassion and promotes self-love, making it easier to restore self-worth.


Citrine crystal for emotional healing
  • Margaret Ann Lembo believes that this crystal represents sunshine and can help you let go of all emotional negativity and bad habits.
  • It soothes anxieties and boosts creativity, focus, and clarity.
  • It is a stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will, known for its warmth, comfort, energization, and life-giving properties.
  • Citrine stimulates the chakras, clears the mind, and encourages the fullness of life.
  • It is effective in transforming negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones, overcoming depression, and reducing sensitivity to criticism.

Lapis Lazuli:

Lapis Lazuli for healing
  • Lapis Lazuli, a celestial deep blue stone, is known as the “Stone of Wisdom” due to its healing properties. It promotes emotional balance, peace, and serenity, aiding in mental imbalances like mood swings or depression.
  • Lapis Lazuli also relieves horror and fear, calms the senses, and opens up the mind for knowledge and self-awareness.
  • It encourages honest and loving interactions, making it a useful tool for mending or nourishing healthy relationships.


  • Rhodochrosite is a gemstone with a pink-rose tint and is believed to have healing properties for emotional well-being.
  • Mary Lambert in her book “Crystal Energy” expressed her views on this gemstone. She indicates that it aids in releasing old traumas and wounds, and promoting love, compassion, and forgiveness.
  • Rhodochrosite encourages playfulness, joy, and lightness in life, infusing happiness.
  • It opens the heart chakra and promotes love, compassion, and forgiveness.
  • It helps view both positive and negative sides, promotes self-love, and instills confidence.


Moonstone for emotional healing

Black Tourmaline:

Black Tourmaline emotional healing
  • Black Tourmaline is a stone of purification. It cleanse negative thoughts, anxieties, anger, or feelings of unworthiness.
  • According to Preecha P. Yupapin and Senee Suwandee ‘black tourmaline….can be useful for the cells enhancement‘.
  • It may also be beneficial in relinquishing chronic worry.
  • Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding stone. It provides a connection between Earth and the human spirit.
  • Black Tourmaline promotes self-confidence and give a clear and objective view of the world.
  • It is empowering to those who must live or work in challenging environments.

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz
  • Clear Quartz, also known as the “Master Healer” is a popular crystal healing stone with numerous healing properties.
  • It amplifies energy, thoughts, and intentions, aids in concentration, memory retention, and clarity of thought.
  • According to Kathryn Thomasson, Clear Quartz promotes emotional balance, mental clarity, and protection from negative energy, making it beneficial for empaths and those experiencing stagnation.
  • It aids in meditation, connecting with higher self, and aiding spiritual growth by opening up the third eye chakra.


  • Selenite is a sulfate mineral stone and a crystal variety of Gypsum.
  • Selenite is known for its ability to clear and purify energy. It helps release emotional blockages and creates a sense of calm and mental clarity.
  • Selenite is often referred to as “liquid light” because it allows for energy fluidity by clearing energy blockages and uplifting your spirit.
  • Selenite is said to be effective in clearing negativity, anxiety, and worries from your mind.
  • It can help expand your awareness of yourself and your surroundings.


  • Ametrine is a powerful healing crystal made of amethyst and citrine.
  • It promotes balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit, and is used for meditation and spiritual exploration.
  • Ametrine can activate chakras, balance emotions, increase mental clarity, and bring inner peace.
  • Ametrine is believed to help maintain self-control, enabling individuals to evaluate and work through situations in an optimistic manner.
  • It can be used in energy clearing meditation, and cord-cutting rituals to release emotional attachments or negative energy cords.


  • Lepidolite, a lilac-gray or rose-colored gemstone, is known for its healing properties and emotional well-being.
  • It is often referred to as the “Stone of Transition” and promotes emotional balance, tranquility, and harmony.
  • Lepidolite contains lithium, a substance used in anti-anxiety medication, and helps manage anxiety, stress, and other emotions effectively.


  • Aquamarine, is a healing stone that promotes emotional balance, tranquility, and harmony.
  • It helps in balancing excessive anger or fear.
  • It removes the lingering effects of maltreatment, whether physical or verbal.
  • It can be helpful for youngsters who have been through terrible experiences or who have become disconnected from their emotional bodies.
  • It evokes the purity of crystalline waters and the exhilaration of the sea, inspiring truth, trust, and letting go.


Chrysocolla for emotional healing
  • Chrysocolla, also known as the “Stone of Communication” is a gemstone with healing properties that promote calmness during stressful times.
  • It teaches the value of expression and the virtue of keeping silent.
  • Chrysocolla is considered one of the best mood stabilizers in crystal realm. It is due to its high lithium content, which is used in anti-anxiety medication.
  • Chrysocolla also increases the desire for knowledge. It helps erase negative emotions and limiting beliefs.


Labradorite for healing
  • Labradorite is known for its transformative energy.
  • Labradorite calms an overactive mind, energizes the imagination, and brings new ideas.
  • It is a valuable tool for returning joy and spontaneity to life.
  • It eliminates the emotional drain of daily routines and being weighed down by responsibility.


  • Malachite is a powerful crystal that aids in emotional healing, balance, and harmony.
  • It promotes inner peace, helps overcome fear and anxiety, and aids in spiritual growth.
  • It encourages healthy relationships based on love and compassion.
  • Malachite serves as an auric protector, flushing out unwanted energy and promoting change.
  • To use Malachite for emotional healing, combine it with affirmations, which can guide you towards happiness.

How Do I Choose the Right Crystals for Myself?

Choosing the suitable crystals for emotional healing is a personal and intuitive process. The following are some general guidelines to help you get started:

  • Set an intention: Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to achieve with crystal healing. Are you looking to reduce stress, promote self-love, or find emotional balance? Setting an intention can help you organize your efforts and choose crystals that align with your goals.
  • Trust your intuition: When selecting crystals, hold them in your hand one by one and see which ones resonate with your energy. Pay attention to how each crystal makes you feel. You may experience a sense of warmth, tingling, or a deep connection with specific stones. Trust your instinct and choose the crystals that feel right for you.
  • Research crystal properties: Each crystal has unique properties that can support emotional healing. Please educate yourself about the properties of different crystals and their associations with specific emotions or chakras. This knowledge can help you make informed choices when selecting crystals.
  • Start with popular choices: If you’re unsure where to begin, some popular crystals for emotional healing include Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodochrosite, Moonstone, and Lepidolite. These crystals are known for their soothing and balancing effects on emotions.
  • Experiment and explore: Crystal healing is a personal journey; what works for one person may not work for another. Feel free to try different crystals and see how they resonate with you. You may find that certain crystals have a profound impact on your emotional well-being, while others may not resonate as strongly.

Remember, there are no right or wrong choices when selecting crystals for emotional healing. Follow your intuition, trust the process, and allow the energy of the crystals to support your emotional well-being.

It’s also essential for you to use the crystal properly. It may only give you the best result if you know the proper use of it. Read on to find out more.

How to Use Crystals for Emotional Healing?

There are several ways to use crystals for emotional healing. These methods are effortless and can quickly done by anyone who wants to get the best result from these crystals. Here are some of the most common ways:

MeditationCrystals can be used in meditation by just holding or wearing them. It can help you focus your mind and connect with the crystal’s energy.
Wearing crystalsYou can wear crystals as jewelry or carry them in your pocket. It allows you to keep the crystal’s energy close to you throughout the day.
Placing crystals in your environmentYou can make your house or place of business more upbeat and revitalizing by sprinkling crystals throughout the space. Installing something like a rose quartz crystal in your bedroom, for instance, can help you unwind and sleep better.
Crystal gridsYou can construct a crystal grid by arranging several crystals in a precise arrangement. It can boost the healing ability of crystals by amplifying their energy.
Bathing with crystalsIf you want a bath to help you unwind and refresh, try adding some crystals to the water. It has the potential to alleviate stress and restore mental equilibrium.

Remember, though there is no right or wrong way to use crystals for emotional healing, to play safe, you should use them the way they are mentioned above. But more importantly, trust your intuition and choose the proper method.

Can I Use Multiple Crystals for Emotional Healing?

Yes, you can use multiple crystals at once for emotional healing. Combining different crystals can create a synergistic effect and enhance their individual properties. Feel the power of combining these gems, like forming your Avengers team.

Here are a few ways you can use multiple crystals together:

  • Crystal grids: Crystal grids are made by arranging several crystals in a specified pattern. This arrangement helps amplify each crystal’s energy and create a powerful healing field. You can find various crystal grid layouts online or create your own based on your intentions.
  • Jewelry: Wearing crystal jewelry incorporating multiple crystals allows you to benefit from the energies of each stone throughout the day. You can accessorize with a single piece of jewelry with a variety of stones set into it, or you can wear several other necklaces and bracelets that each have a unique stone.
  • Intuitive selection: Trust your intuition and select the crystals that resonate with you the most. You can hold them in your hand or place them on your body during meditation or relaxation. Combining crystals based on intuition can help you address specific emotional needs and promote overall well-being.

There are no hard and fast rules for using multiple crystals. But traditionally, the methods mentioned above are popular—many claim to get good results by following these methods. But you should experiment with combinations and see what works best for you. Enjoy the process, and let the energy of the crystals guide you on your healing journey!

Can I use synthetic or lab-grown crystals for emotional healing?

When it comes to using crystals for emotional healing, there are two main types: natural and synthetic or lab-grown. Genuine crystals are formed by nature over thousands or millions of years, while synthetic crystals are made in a laboratory using natural minerals and elements.

The choice between natural and synthetic crystals for emotional healing depends on personal preference and intention. Some people believe that natural crystals carry the energy of the Earth and have a stronger connection to spiritual healing. On the other hand, synthetic crystals can be more affordable and have a minor environmental impact than natural ones.

Lab-grown crystals might be a good option for you if you prioritize sustainability and eco-friendliness. They are from materials that would have been mined for other purposes anyway, resulting in a more minor environmental impact.

However, remember that the energy of lab-grown crystals may differ from that of natural crystals as people create them in a laboratory.

Choosing natural or synthetic crystals ultimately depends on your beliefs, intentions, and values. Trust your intuition and choose the type of crystal that resonates with you the most.

Where can I buy natural or synthetic crystals?

There are several places where you can buy natural or synthetic crystals. Here are some options:

Talk to Crystals: You may choose from a large inventory of authentic crystals and stones in this internet shop for healing purposes. Crystal pendants, crystal earrings, tumbled stones, and more are some of the available items.

Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy: This website provides a list of recommended places to buy wholesale crystals. They also offer courses and resources on crystal healing.

Shubhanjali: This online store offers original crystal products in India, including crystal stones, jewelry, bracelets, crystal trees, angels, pendants, and more.

Rock Paradise: This website offers bulk crystals, home decor, and gemstone jewelry. They have a massive variety of products to choose from.


Thus, we see that crystals are a powerful tool for emotional healing. They offer a personal and intuitive journey to self-discovery and balance.

There are a variety of crystals, like Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodochrosite, Moonstone, and Lepidolite, each with unique properties and energies. These crystals can help navigate the complex landscape of emotions, providing solace, clarity, and transformation.

Choosing the right crystal for your emotional needs requires intention, intuition, and self-awareness. Trust your instincts and educate yourself about the properties of different crystals. It will help you to make informed choices. Embrace multiple crystals for emotional healing. It is helpful because combining them can create a synergistic effect.

You should also be receptive to crystal healing and follow your instincts. It will set you toward lasting happiness, self-knowledge, and physical health.

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