7 Virgo Crystals That can Transform Their Life

crystals for Virgo

Virgos are born between August 23 and September 22. They are said to possess exceptional memory, intelligence, and analytical thinking. Also, there are 7 Virgo crystals that can enhance and compliment their traits.

Virgos make good friends and partners because they are usually kind and reliable.

My friend Huan (name changed) is a Virgo. He works for Goldman Sachs as a chartered accountant and is excellent at his work. However, his analytical mind and critical thinking make him a perfectionist. I have seen him become overly judgmental of himself and others. He also tends to suppress his emotions in favor of logic and practicality.

These traits are not unique to my friend Huan, but, in general, to most of the Virgos I have known. Virgo can harbor critical thoughts that can cloud their judgement in the quest for perfection.

Crystals, with their unique vibrational frequency, interact with our energy field. Thus, they help to realign and balance our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

I personally have seen the benefits of 7 crystals that can help Virgos embrace their true selves and shed judgment and pessimism.

Here are seven crystals suitable for Virgos:

  • Citrine
  • Sugilite
  • Charoite
  • Fluorite
  • Obsidian
  • Amazonite
  • Lapis Lazuli

Remember, these crystals can be used in various ways, such as meditation, grid work, or simply carrying them as a pocket stone. Enjoy exploring their energies!


Citrine, a vibrant and radiant crystal, is an excellent match for Virgos due to its unique properties and energies that resonate with Virgo’s characteristics. Here’s a detailed explanation of why Citrine is beneficial for Virgos.

citrine for virgo

Positivity and Joy:

Virgos are known for their analytical minds, which can sometimes lead to overthinking and focusing on the negative aspects of life.

Citrine’s energy helps to shift this perspective by infusing positivity, joy, and sunshine into their lives.

It encourages Virgos to approach challenges with a more optimistic outlook, fostering a sense of hope and enthusiasm.

Abundance and Prosperity:

Virgos are hardworking and diligent, often prioritizing their duties and responsibilities.

Citrine’s vibration helps them recognize their worth and deservingness of abundance, prosperity, and success.

It supports Virgos in manifesting their goals and dreams, reminding them that their efforts are valued and rewarded.

Confidence and Self-Expression:

Citrine’s energy enhances Virgos’ self-confidence, encouraging them to express themselves more authentically and creatively.

It helps Virgos break free from self-criticism and perfectionism, embrace their individuality, and showcase their unique talents and skills.

Emotional Balance:

Virgos are known for their practicality, which can sometimes lead to emotional suppression.

Citrine’s warmth and nurturing energy help Virgos connect with their emotions. It promotes emotional balance, allowing Virgos to navigate relationships and challenges with more empathy and compassion.

Protection and Purification:

Citrine’s energy offers protection from negative influences, shielding Virgos from harmful vibes and promoting a sense of safety and security.

It also purifies their energy field, cleansing them from emotional and mental clutter and aligning them with their highest potential.

Amplifying Intentions:

Citrine is known for its ability to amplify intentions and manifestations.

When used with purpose and focus, Citrine can help Virgos magnify their desires, attracting opportunities and resources that support their goals and aspirations.

Resonance with Virgo’s Earth Element:

Citrine is a solar plexus chakra stone connected to the element of fire, which complements Virgo’s earth element.

This synergy harmonizes Virgo’s practicality with Citrine’s creative and uplifting energy, fostering a balance between stability and growth.

By working with Citrine, Virgos can integrate these benefits into their lives, enhancing their overall well-being, happiness, and success.


Sugilite! A powerful and majestic stone, indeed. Sugilite is a rare and exquisite mineral, typically found in shades of purple, pink, and white.

It’s a silicate mineral named after the Japanese geologist Ken-ichi Sugi, who discovered it in 1944.

sugilite crystal for virgo
Picture Credit: Authentic Truth Gems, Etsy Store

Now, let’s dive into why Sugilite is particularly suited for Virgos.

Sugilite is a stone of spiritual growth, intuition, and emotional balance.

It’s said to:

Calm the mind:

Sugilite’s soothing energy can help quiet the constant mental chatter and worries that plague Virgos.

Enhance intuition:

By tuning into their inner wisdom, Virgos can trust their instincts and confidently make decisions.

Foster emotional balance:

Sugilite promotes emotional stability, helping Virgos navigate life’s ups and downs more easily.

Encourage self-care: By prioritizing their needs and desires, Virgos can learn to receive and accept support from others.

Support spiritual growth:

Sugilite’s high vibrational energy can help Virgos connect with their higher selves, fostering a more profound sense of purpose and meaning.

Sugilite is a powerful ally for Virgos, offering emotional balance, intuition, and spiritual growth. By embracing Sugilite’s energies, Virgos can cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their world, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


Charoite! It is a mesmerizing and transformative stone, indeed. Charoite is a rare and powerful mineral, typically found in shades of purple, violet, and white.

It’s a silicate mineral named after the Chara River in Russia, where it was first discovered in 1978.

Charoite for virgo
Picture Credit: Infinite Spiral, Etsy Store

Now, let’s dive into why Charoite is particularly suited for Virgos:

Charoite is a stone of transformation, spiritual growth, and emotional healing.

It’s said to:

Transmute negative energy:

Charoite can help Virgos release stuck emotions, thoughts, and patterns, making way for positive change.

Encourage spiritual growth:

Charoite fosters a deeper understanding of life’s purpose and meaning by connecting with the divine.

Foster emotional release:

Charoite helps Virgos confront and healthily express their emotions, breaking free from repression.

Embrace change and uncertainty:

Charoite teaches Virgos to trust the universe’s plan by surrendering to the present moment.

Enhance intuition and psychic abilities:

Charoite expands Virgo’s perception, allowing them to tap into their inner wisdom and knowledge.

Charoite is a potent ally for Virgos, offering transformation, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. By embracing Charoite’s energies, Virgos can break free from limiting patterns, tap into their inner wisdom, and find a deeper connection with themselves and the universe.


Fluorite! It is a vibrant and versatile stone, indeed. Fluorite is a mineral of calcium fluoride, often found in various colours, including purple, blue, green, yellow, and white.

fluorite for virgos

Now, let’s dive into why Fluorite is particularly suited for Virgos:

Fluorite is a stone of mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.

It’s said to:

Enhance mental clarity:

Fluorite helps Virgos organize their thoughts, prioritize tasks, and make decisions with clarity and precision.

Reduce stress and anxiety:

By calming the emotional body, Fluorite promotes relaxation and reduces overwhelming feelings.

Foster emotional balance:

Fluorite helps Virgos navigate emotional turmoil, promoting stability and calmness.

Protect and cleanse energy:

Fluorite acts as a shield, deflecting negative energy and promoting a sense of renewal.

Support spiritual growth:

Fluorite expands Virgo’s perception by connecting with the divine, fostering a deeper understanding of life’s purpose and meaning.

Fluorite is a powerful ally for Virgos, offering mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. By embracing Fluorite’s energies, Virgos can improve their focus, reduce stress, and deepen their connection with themselves and the universe.


Obsidian! A mysterious and powerful stone, indeed. Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass formed when lava cools rapidly, often found in black, brown, and grey shades.


Now, let’s dive into why Obsidian is particularly suited for Virgos.

Obsidian is a stone of transformation, introspection, and emotional healing.

It’s said to:

Reflect the truth:

Obsidian reveals hidden patterns, thoughts, and emotions, helping Virgos confront and release limiting beliefs.

Absorb and dissipate negativity:

Obsidian draws in negative energy, transmuting it into a more positive and uplifting force.

Foster emotional release and healing:

By confronting and expressing suppressed emotions, Obsidian promotes emotional balance and well-being.

Encourage self-reflection and introspection:

Obsidian helps Virgos explore their inner world and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their motivations.

Support spiritual growth and connection:

Obsidian expands Virgo’s perception by connecting with the divine. It helps in discovering life’s purpose and meaning.

Obsidian is a potent ally for Virgos, offering transformation, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. By embracing Obsidian’s energies, Virgos can break free from limiting patterns, tap into their inner wisdom, and find a deeper connection with themselves and the universe.


Amazonite, also known as Amazon Stone, is a powerful and soothing crystal used for centuries for its remarkable properties and benefits.

It is a type of mineral called Feldspar, found in various parts of the world, including Brazil, Russia, and the United States.

Amazonite is often called the “Stone of Courage” or the “Stone of Truth,” as it empowers individuals to speak their truth, set healthy boundaries, and cultivate emotional resilience.

This crystal is particularly beneficial for Virgos, as it resonates with their energies and addresses specific areas where they may need support.

Emotional Balance and Calm:

Amazonite’s calming energy helps to soothe Virgo’s emotions, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Communication and Self-Expression:

Amazonite encourages Virgos to express themselves authentically, helping them communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs more effectively.

This crystal supports Virgos in setting healthy boundaries, speaking their truth, and cultivating assertiveness without aggression.

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy:

Amazonite enhances Virgo’s emotional intelligence, allowing them to understand better and connect with others on a deeper level.

It fosters empathy, compassion, and kindness, helping Virgos build stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Heart-Chakra Alignment:

Amazonite is associated with the heart chakra and is responsible for emotions, relationships, and compassion.

Virgos can align their heart chakra by working with Amazonite, promoting emotional healing, self-love, and acceptance.

Protection and Deflection:

Amazonite offers protection from negative energies, electromagnetic pollution, and harmful vibes.

It creates a shield around Virgo’s energy field, deflecting unwanted influences and promoting a sense of safety and security.

Resonance with Virgo’s Earth Element:

Amazonite is a water-element stone that complements Virgo’s earth element.

This synergy harmonizes Virgo’s practicality with Amazonite’s emotional and intuitive energy, fostering a balance between stability and emotional well-being.

By incorporating Amazonite into their lives, Virgos can experience profound benefits, including emotional balance, improved communication, enhanced empathy, and a deeper connection to their heart and intuition.

Amazonite’s soothing energy will help Virgos navigate life’s challenges with greater ease, confidence, and compassion.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli, a majestic and powerful crystal, has been revered for centuries for its profound properties and benefits. This stone is particularly promising for Virgos, as it resonates with their energies and supports their journey towards attracting wealth, health, and peace.

Wealth and Abundance:

Lapis Lazuli is associated with the third eye and crown chakras, which govern intuition, wisdom, and spiritual connection. By activating these chakras, Virgos can tap into their inner guidance and make informed decisions that lead to financial success and abundance.

This crystal promotes mental clarity, helping Virgos to focus on their goals and aspirations and manifest their desires through deliberate action.

Lapis Lazuli’s energy attracts prosperity and good fortune, supporting Virgos in their endeavours and investments.

Health and Well-being:

Lapis Lazuli possess healing properties that can benefit Virgo’s physical and mental health. It alleviates stress, anxiety, and insomnia, promoting relaxation and calmness.

This crystal is also associated with the throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression. By balancing this chakra, Virgos can express their emotions and needs more effectively, improving relationships and overall well-being.

Lapis Lazuli’s energy boosts the immune system, supporting Virgo’s overall health and resilience.

Peace and Inner Calm:

Lapis Lazuli is known for its calming and soothing energy, which can help Virgos quiet their minds and find inner peace. It promotes mental clarity, reducing worries and anxieties that may disturb their peace.

This crystal encourages self-reflection and introspection, helping Virgos to connect with their inner selves and understand their values and priorities.

Lapis Lazuli’s energy fosters a spiritual connection, guiding Virgos towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe, leading to a more profound sense of peace and contentment.

Resonance with Virgo’s Earth Element:

Lapis Lazuli is a water-element stone that complements Virgo’s earth element.

This synergy harmonizes Virgo’s practicality with Lapis Lazuli’s intuitive and spiritual energy. It helps to maintain a balance between stability and spiritual growth.

Thus, Lapis Lazuli’s powerful energy will support Virgos in achieving their goals, cultivating well-being, and finding profound peace and contentment.

These are some of my experiences with Virgo crystals. But there are other crystals that may be perfect for you. You have to use the crystal to know its benefits, and you also have to believe in the crystal you choose. I wish you luck in choosing the right crystal for yourself. It can transform your life and make you healthy, happy, and prosperous.

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